Why WillowSpace is the Best CRM for Coaches


Managing clients can be clunky when you’re trying to send intake forms through Google, invoices through Freshbooks and taking notes in your good-old-fashioned notebook. As a coach, you can manage your clients seamlessly using WillowSpace!

Managing clients manually is time-consuming, disjointed, and all around frustrating (for you AND your clients). We can’t count the number of emails we’ve sent saying “Just following up with you!” So that’s why we made WillowSpace - a CRM made to take the client experience frustration away.

If you’re new here, or maybe just need a refresher, let’s talk about what a CRM is.

What’s a CRM anyway?

To start, CRM means client relationship management. These are platforms that help you manage client processes like chatting with leads, sending proposals and questionnaires, invoicing, scheduling coaching sessions, etc!

What’s in a CRM?

WillowSpace has all of the features a coach needs to manage their clients simply and seamlessly!

  • Lead capturing forms - to help you keep track of inquiries and potential clients right from your website.

  • Lead insights - reports on when your lead reached out, the status of your lead, conversion rates, referral sources…etc.

  • Scheduler - a way to schedule a meeting or consultation with your leads and clients. Perfect for one-on-one coaching!

  • Proposals - a place to build, upload and send beautiful proposals to help you book the job with your future client.

  • Contracts - a way to upload or build a contract with the ability to have your clients sign on the dotted line, only digitally (we’re well beyond asking people to print, sign, and send back!)

  • Custom forms + questionnaires - a way to ask your clients a set of questions and get responses in one spot.

  • Reports + insights - ways to track things like referral sources, top clients, revenue…etc.

  • Client portals - a place for your clients to easily access their documents, see their project status, add on to their project, request meetings with you, and more! And they don’t need to create an account to do it all.

  • Milestones - great for marking progress and checking in on your clients.

How to use WillowSpace as a CRM for Coaches

✍️ Set up a lead capture form

Use WillowSpace to set up a project inquiry form and embed it directly onto your own website. Style it to match your brand PERFECTLY with our beautiful form builder. This way, when potential clients reach out to you, you get the information you need and they land right in your WillowSpace account as a NEW LEAD!

🤝 Follow up with leads

Set up an automatic response to new project inquiries acknowledging that you’ve received the message and will reach out soon. You can also use this auto-email to include a lookbook with more details of your coaching services. Then, follow-up with leads right in your WillowSpace account by sending a link to schedule a consultation. We integrate with Zoom, so you never have to send another Zoom link again! WillowSpace can do that for you.

🗓️ Schedule a consultation

Use the Scheduler to set up a consultation with your lead and send it to them directly on the platform. Include a checklist of what they should expect to discuss during your time together.

📃 Send a proposal

Once you know this lead is a good fit, it’s time to send an official proposal. WillowSpace uses a drag-and-drop builder for proposals and contracts. It’s that simple. You can use the builder to create a stunning proposal - the most important document we send leads - or upload your own PDF to the platform.

✅ Have leads accept or decline

One of the best parts of using WillowSpace for proposals is that your lead has the ability to ACCEPT or DECLINE the proposal before your set due date. In the case, they decline, there’s a field prompting them to add feedback about why they haven’t accepted. This information is invaluable insight!

👍 Convert your lead to a paying client

Once your lead accepts a proposal, they’re automatically converted to a client in WillowSpace. Now you’re ready to get coaching!

🎊 Send an onboarding welcome pack

Use the new client form template in WillowSpace to collect the necessary information for your new client. Send them an email including the intake form along with client portal access information to get your clients onboarded seamlessly.

✒️ Send your client a contract

Forget confusing PDF signatures, printing, or emailing contracts back to you. Build a beautiful contract using the simple drag-and-drop editor or upload your own PDF and have clients digitally sign on the dotted line.

💸 Send your client their deposit invoice

Easily set up invoices with flat fees, hourly rates, on recurring cycles, and in any currency! Plus, forget following up on unpaid invoices - WillowSpace will do that for you too! If a client is late paying and miss their due date, you can set up auto-late-fees to incrementally add over time.

👩‍💻 Set up a new project

Start a new project with your brand new client using their submitted information! Set up custom project milestones and project add-ons so you can visually track progress and so can your client right inside their portal.

😉 Set up tasks

Use the WillowSpace task management system to add tasks such as client homework, project to-dos and reminders in your WorkSpace.

🌟 Keep your client up to date with their portal

Remind your clients they can easily check in on their project status, outstanding documents, and tasks in their client portal. They can also visit their portal to request a one-on-one meeting with you or add-on to their project (hello upsells)!

🥂 Mark milestones along the way

You can use milestones to check in with your clients to see how they’re doing, and to mark their progress. When you set up your project, you’ll set up the milestones. As each phase is marked complete, the project progress will move along in your view, and in your client portals!

☎️ Book a meeting

Maybe you want to chat about how your client is doing, or have a coaching session to book! Use the Scheduler in WillowSpace to book one-on-one meetings with your clients. Easily integrate with Google Calendar and Zoom to make it seamless.

If you need to spend more time coaching, and less time managing clients, WillowSpace has your back.

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Danielle Joseph

I own a full-service design studio. We build unforgettable brand experiences.


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