How to Use Client Portals Effectively


Client management can be tough. Like, really tough. A lot of time goes into project managing, making sure clients meet deadlines, and communicating back and forth, when we could be doing the things we love instead. That’s where a CRM with solid client portals can come in to save the day!

Using client portals makes our lives SO much easier over at Function (our design studio) - they keep all of our client’s documents in one place, send updates in a click, keep communication organized, and so much more. Today we’re going to dive in to how you can get the most out of your client portals, saving time for yourself, and your clients.


Hold up. What is a client portal?

A client portal may sound as though it’s a lot of extra management, but it’s not as complex as you may think. It’s here to make your life easier!

Client portals are a digital workspace accessed through a secure URL or login. Once clients are logged in or have access to the unique URL, they can view important files related to their projects, check in on project status, and keep up to date on tasks.

We know what you’re saying now - “Okay, so what? I can keep my clients updated through email, a phone call, Zoom, or one of the hundreds of other websites made for communication.” And that’s where you’re right... but those ways don’t give you a central spot for tracking files and project tasks. We’re going to show you exactly why you should use a client portal instead, so buckle up!


Why use a client portal?

Client portals aren’t just a place for your clients to stay updated - they’re a tool to help you better your business, manage your time, and give your client experience a much needed level-up!

📎 Keep everything in one spot

Tired of clients asking you to send them another file or resend an invoice? With client portals, you can make a personal workspace for each of your clients to find exactly what they need. All meetings, files, documents, and tasks are in one place for them to access easily.

🔐 Stores client information securely

No worries about data leaks here! Client portals are secure, and you can set up strong passwords for clients to access their private information and files. But don’t fret - your client won’t need to create a whole new account on a new platform to use their client portal. No learnings and tutorials required on WillowSpace.

📈 Client engagement

Tired of sending an email, just to have to send a follow up the next day? And the day after? Yeah, we’ve been there. Using a CRM like WillowSpace change that! With access to their portal 24/7 from any device, clients can check in at any time and stay aware of their project status. No more pesky “Hey, are you there?” emails!

😻 Client experience

We all love personalization, otherwise keychains with our names on them wouldn’t exist! Having a personal workspace made just for your client, with access to their files and updates at any time, along with open communication creates a positive experience with your clients. A positive client experience for them means a happy customer for you! And you know what happy customers mean… more happy customers later!

💸 Upsell opportunities

It’s like grocery shopping; you’re about to check out, but you see your favourite type of chocolate bar sitting right there… and you add it to the cart. In WillowSpace, clients can do the same thing and add upsells onto their project with just one click!


How to use client portals

Alright, enough of the nitty-gritty. Let’s get the the fun part: setting up a client portal yourself! 🤩

👩‍💻 Set up your client

We’ve made it super easy for you to set up your client with their own portal. Once you’ve turned your lead into a client, all you need to do is turn on the client portal in the client details area.

It’s just one button - isn’t that convenient?

🕵️‍♂️ Add some extra security

It’s time to make your client portal extra secure. You can choose to add an additional layer of security by setting up a password, or leave the password off for easier access. If client has sensitive business information, opt to set up a password. The best part is that clients won’t have to set up a WillowSpace account to access their portal - we've kept it easy and accessible.

🔗 Send a link to the portal

Now that your client portal is ready to go, send your client a link to their portal with their onboarding email/welcome pack. Remind them that they have access to this anytime, so it’s a good idea to bookmark the link for easier use.

🎉 Keep going!

You’re all good to go! Continue to send client documents through the portal, and remind clients they can access documents in their portal at any time.

WillowSpace is here to make managing your clients EASY.

We know the struggle of client management, and that’s why WillowSpace exists. Using client portals gives clients a fantastic, personalized experience when clients work with you, and a happy client is a happy designer! Why not sign up today and try it for yourself?

Danielle Joseph

I own a full-service design studio. We build unforgettable brand experiences.

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